Street style for CUB Magazine, Queen Mary University

Monday, 14 April 2014

This semester saw my last issue as CUB Magazine's photography editor. (I said that this time last year, too, but then I stayed on board anyway...) This time, however, I'm graduating, and despite the fact I'd love to do an MA or even my second undergraduate degree at QMUL, they don't offer the programmes I'm looking for. So this is the end of my QMUL journey for now! As funding cuts to student media at the university left us with much less of a budget, our number of issues was cut this year - but we managed to get funding from the Arts & Culture Fund for another issue. They gave us the theme of 'crossing cultural boundaries', which I initially worried about covering without being appropriative or misrepresentative of other cultures that we, as outsiders to that culture, would not fully understand. However, I was pleased with the content and I think we've put out a great issue - we even got in an article on cultural appropriation in music, which I was really happy to have included. Aside from the images for the rest of the magazine, I went out around the QMUL Mile End campus looking for some interesting style among our students at the end of semester two. I was very happy to see a good number of STEM students in the mix, as there's a bit of a lack of non-humanities students in the CUB fold. All in all I ended up very jealous of the wardrobes of Queen Mary students!

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