Wandering in Spitalfields, London

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Taking a little break from stressing about deadlines (yet still somehow putting them off), walking around Spitalfields, Brick Lane and Liverpool Street in the sunshine was a good move. It's always a busy area, but on a weekday the usual market crowds aren't about and that makes for a slightly more relaxing time. I love seeing the changing street art, posters and graffiti around East London on practically a daily basis. On the day I took these (in the weeks after International Women's Day) there was a huge crocheted wall hanging emblazoned with the words 'if men could get pregnant, abortion would be sacrament' (a quote often attributed to activist and awesome lady Florynce Kennedy) made from flowers. Unfortunately I missed the photo opportunity as I'd only bought my 50mm lens with me and it was so large there was no getting it in one frame. It was a little hard to read, but it was good fun watching people spelling it out to themselves. I'm very much looking forward to more city wanderings as the weather gets better and my deadlines come and go.

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