PERSONAL | One week

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Photos from the last 7 days of my 365 project, which is still going strong over on my tumblr (not a single day missed!). The past week has been a mostly quiet one, mainly spent at work, but with two big anniversaries. From top to bottom:

Wednesday 7th September: New pony Whizzy (previously named Weasel), which I rode for my best friend's cousins at his trial and whose vetting I went to, passed with flying colours and arrived in Birmingham, before I managed to steal him.

Thursday 8th September: I remembered that nail marbling is essentially what I did as a child, stuck on my wall and then watched my dad remove painstakingly with a chisel, and re-paint the wall.

Friday 9th September: Attempted to stop my dog digging through the carpet. God knows why or what she's looking for, but she was insistent that it had to be done.

Saturday 10th September: Bruchetta - I'm a fussy eater and this is about as many ingredients you'll catch me having in one go without separating them.

Sunday 11th December: Spent the whole day at work, remembering the attacks on the World Trade Centre. I later watched a documentary on the 'Children of 9/11', which featured some of the most wonderful people I've seen on television. Compare that to Celebrity Big Brother. This was the moon peeping through the clouds on the way back from my shift.

Monday 12th December: Spent the early hours of the morning having a ridiculous but hilarious conversation with future hall-mates on the endless possibilities of food-themed fancy dress costumes and the akwardness of Fresher's 'Traffic Light Parties'. Rest of the day at home, writing university-related lists and had an encounter with a camera-shy frog now living with the vast quantities of inbred fish in my pond.

Tuesday 13th September: Today might have looked sunny, but man it felt cold. It was the tenth anniversary of my grandfather's death. I really miss him these days; I think we'd have had a lot to talk about if cancer hadn't got there first. Massive university shop. Who knew that buying bleach and toilet wipes would get me so excited about living out of home?

Artist/photographer post long overdue.
I know that Bee from Vivatramp and Sophie from Little Mittens are both off soon - anyone else going to university or college soon? I'm a bit nervous about a few things, but I'm sure I'll love it in no time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going off to Uni of Essex on Oct 2nd and I am really looking forward to it - not at all nervous (yet)
