The Yorkshire Dales

Thursday 5 December 2019

In August, we went to dog sit my aunt's new puppy Luna, whilst they went to do some hiking in Switzerland. Whilst our views weren't quite the Swiss mountains, we managed to do some nice walking of our own. Luna is a very busy dog, and she's happiest - and causing least mischief - when she's on a walk. We caught a beautiful day up on Ilkley Moor, a nice respite from the drizzle the rest of the week. A climb to the top of the Cow and Calf, finding the oldest graffiti (1852) on the rocks, following little streams, smelling the heather: a lovely afternoon. We finished off with a quick pint at the pub (at the bottom of their garden, since Luna disapproved of the fact she wasn't allowed cider, and voiced her disappointment. She's lucky she's so cute.)

The next walk which I brought my camera out for was a totally different story. This is the Yorkshire I'm more familiar with. Dark greys, bright greens, a generous helping of fog. We wrapped up - me in my old raincoat, Chris in the pac-a-mac I'd forced him to buy earlier in the week - and headed out anyway. Luna had hated her raincoat when I tried to get her into it, so she made do without. The water at Grassington was roaring through, so much so that the stepping stones over to the old church which we'd planned on visiting were covered with the rushing water. After a few tester steps, we decided we didn't want to risk a ducking, so we carried on down the footpath instead. Once all of us were suitably soaked and Luna had had enough of trying to catch stones in the river, we piled back into the car, found the towels, and headed home to warm up on the sofa.

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