Sheldon Neill & Colin Delehanty: Project Yosemite

Friday, 21 March 2014

I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a subscription to National Geographic. Once reserved for my parents' bookshelves, the classic yellow spines are beginning to make their own dent in mine! I signed up for the online & print edition (because everyone who knows me, knows I need to have the hard copies). This video was up on the website a little while ago, and I love a good timelapse. Yosemite is one of those places that's almost impossible to imagine until you're there - which hopefully I will be one day, unless the volcano has other plans. This video from Project Yosemite does an amazing job at capturing the grandeur and immense beauty of the park and its landscapes. For this video, photographers Colin Delehanty and Sheldon Neill spent forty-five days filming in the park over ten months, hiking over two hundred miles carrying enormous packs of camera equipment; I'd say the outcome was well worth all of that work.

Post title from 'Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun', the track by M83 that accompanies this film. There's an awesome remix by Kill Them With Colour & accompanying epic wingsuit/skydive/base-jump video here.

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