Christmas breaks & growing up

Tuesday 31 December 2013

After what seemed like a very long, illness-ridden semester at university I headed home over Christmas for a few days. It's nice to catch up with my relatively small family, give my very old dogs a cuddle and have fresh eggs for breakfast for a little while, even if I always end up itching to get back to the space in London that I've made my own, rather than borrowed for a bit. This year has been an interesting one for me - though I mainly spent it quite unwell, I also managed to get a little further ahead with my work at the Victoria & Albert Museum's youth board, CreateVoice, visited some interesting places and moved in with my best friend (finally) and three boys who have brought me more fun in the last four months than I could have thought possible with everything else that life brought me. I don't 'do' resolutions. Putting that specific pressure on myself (I've learned) tends not to lead to results. Instead, I'll be taking life as it comes, doing what makes me happy and making decisions based on how I feel - not just on the basis of my overly-analytical brain. 2014 sees me set to graduate, decide on a future career, further education, and whether to move out of London; this year I'm officially 'in my twenties', not 'just old enough to drink in the US'. Years seem to be going by so quickly these days - didn't the grown-ups always say they would?


  1. Love love love these photos, you have a great mood for photography :)

  2. So many beautiful photographs. Those beautiful doggies too!

    We really hope 2014 is an awesome year for you. Graduation is scary but I think it'll illustrate just how far you've come, especially with an illness.

    Thanks for your comment on our film post - we replied underneath! - Bee, tftc.
