Thursday 28 February 2013

I managed to get backstage at London Fashion Week this year, as I was working on some coverage for my lovely university arts & culture magazine, CUB, where I'm photography editor. My first LFW experience was rather rushed as I had to nip back to university for lectures and seminars half way through, and I felt a little out of place amongst the fashion bloggers (and some very strong characters!) but it was an interesting experience and fun to photograph.

The lighting backstage at Nova Chiu was not conducive to good shots without extra lighting (one of the other girls cleverly had an LED attachment on her camera!) but my trusty old Pentax K100D Super made an appearance with my resurrected 50mm manual lens and for some reason dealt with the lighting far better than my Nikon, so these images are all from my older camera. Something in the camera means that everything through the viewfinder is now blurry, so focusing a manual lens is an absolute nightmare (more a 'take twenty photos blind at different focus to try and get one clear shot' job) but I liked some of the results. 

There's a few more backstage shots from Nova Chiu on the CUB Beauty blog, which has other coverage for LFW (including my runway photos and show report from Timur Kim) and is also soon to feature my coverage of the Lug Von Siga show. You can also see more of my LFW photos here, too.

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