ORIGINAL | We were finally awake

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

One of the shots from experimenting with my camera today. Hopefully will come up with more images I like enough to put up.


  1. this is just...wow

    x Camilla

    Last day to enter my LOVE dress giveaway...


  2. great photo! what exactly is it??

  3. It's that plant with long spikey leaves (not entirely sure of its name) and I took it using my Pentax K100D Super and an 18-55mm standard lens, which is my standard camera, though I'm looking to upgrade to a refurbed Nikon D80 at some point when I have the money! Some of my photos are taken using a Nikon D300s and a Tamron macro lens (but not often, as this is my mother's expensive camera!) The distortion is an effect I've been practising using a magnifying glass to create the effect of a tilt-shift lens. Pretty long answer... :)
