Monday 4 February 2013

A few pictures I took of my best friend Ainsley this weekend. Ainsley was my flatmate in first year, but she's taking a year out this year and it's been utterly bizarre not to be spending every evening with her watching rubbish horror movies and making chicken nuggets at three in the morning (with Lizi, too). I took my old Pentax K100D out this weekend alongside my Nikon D7000 because I found my 50mm manual lens which I picked up from Spitalfields last year - I've really missed shooting with it, and as I haven't got enough money for a 50mm for my Nikon just yet I carried two cameras round instead. I'd forgotten how much I loved shooting with the 50mm, especially portraits. I'll post up a few pictures from the weekend soon, but for now these are my favourite pictures of one of my favourite people.

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