Focus Forward Film Festival: human innovation

Friday, 23 November 2012

These are four of my favourite short films made for the Focus Forward Film Festival on Vimeocelebrating human innovation through film. The closing date to vote on finalists for the $200,000 competition is November 28th, at which point the finalists will go through to judging and eventual awards at Sundance 2013. The voting for Audience Favourite continues until December 20th. I haven't completely finished watching all of the entries (there are a fair few!) but the stories are incredible and some of the ideas truly awe-inspiring. A fifteen year old discovering a new, more effective, cost-friendly method of cancer detection in early stages ('Just Jack'). A man researching implants allowing doctors to monitor blood chemical levels automatically, without needing to take large amounts of blood from patients, potentially ending the suffering of patients - particularly of children ('Diamonds on the Inside'). Biochemical tagging systems to bring light to harmful brain cancer cells, which could revolutionise brain surgery and its success ('Bringing Light'). A twenty-three year old woman campaigning for child benefits and orphan children in Iraqi-Kurdistan ('Our Children'). A forensic anthropology team spending two decades working to identify the people whose bones were buried together in pits, to return them to their families ('Bones Don't Lie and Don't Forget'). The power that light has over a child staying in education ('A Million Points of Light'). As each film is only three minutes, it's very easy to ingest these big ideas and spend time thinking about the potential of each. It's a great reminder of some of the fantastic things going on in our world at this very moment.

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