Fine Art Foundation final exhibtion

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Photos from my exhibition for my Foundation Final Major Project. I was a little sad that they didn't put our portfolios out, seeing as there's work in there that I preferred to my finals. However I was pretty pleased with my final show and its minimalist overtones. My project was basically about language and the way that we categorise ways of communicating different languages in writing. My super pretentious 'artist statement' that went with my piece and animation ran as follows:

"Linking two thousand symbols spanning fifty languages from ancient Persia and Mesopotamia to modern Russian and Greek, this project is an exploration into the classification of writing systems in the history of human communication; identifying alternative ways of categorising symbols other than by chronology and geography. Symbols from different languages that hold different meanings take on new relationships by shape, each related to the previous and the next."

Good huh? Anyways long story short, I spent literally weeks ordering two thousand symbols by shape, then hand-drawing them out onto a roll of paper twelve feet long. Luckily I had some help from my friends at college (specifically Ashley, David, Abbie and Mark) to be able to colour the symbols in by the deadline, and then spent until 4am the morning of the exhibition making the animation to go with it.


  1. This really is so so cool, such a nice piece! Also really taken by that statement


  2. Such a cool idea! Did it mean anything in the end? Or just aesthetic. Aesthetically it's beautiful. Go you!

  3. It didn't have a message in the end (I guess I could re-find the meaning of each symbol and see if anything was hidden, but probs nonsense!). Mainly just aesthetic. I'm not sure if the animation plays well of gets stuck, it kind of shows it better.
